Most Downloaded

July – August 2013

Most Downloaded Articles (all issues):
1. John Holmes, ‘Literature and Science vs History of Science’ (Vol 5, No. 2)
2. Justin Sausman, ‘Science, Drugs, and Occultism: Aleister Crowley, Henry Maudsley, and Late Nineteenth-Century Degeneration Theories’ (Vol 1, No. 1)
3. Thijs van den Berg, ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four and “1984”: Apple’s Use of Dystopian Poetics in iCommodification’ (Vol 5, No. 1)

Most Downloaded Reviews (all issues):
1. Gavin Budge, Review of Andrea Henderson’s “Magic Mirrors: Formalist Realism in Victorian Physics and Photography” (Vol 5, No 2)
2. Courtney Salvey, Review of Diarmid A. Finnegan’s “Exeter-Hall Science and Evangelical Rhetoric in Mid-Victorian Britain” (Vol 5, No 2)
3. Rob Boddice, Review of Bruno Strasser’s “The Experimenter’s Museum: GenBank, Natural History, and the Moral Economies of Biomedicine” (Vol 5, No. 1)


JLS 6.1 (2013) was published on September 8 – click on the issue in the left-hand menu to view the articles and reviews.

This special issue was themed around the topic of illness narratives and is titled ‘Rethinking Approaches to Illness Narratives’

There are also reviews of journal articles by Dan Cordle, Jonathan Hogg, Gowan Dawson, Janine Rogers & Charlotte Sleigh, Cristina Hanganu-Bresch & Carol Berkenkotter, and Kay Young.