JLS/BSLS Essay Prize – Winner Announced

The winner of the Journal of Literature and Science and British Society for Literature and Science Essay Prize 2013 was announced publicly on May 23rd by the BSLS Chair, John Holmes.

The winner of the 2013 prize is Rachel Crossland for her essay titled “‘Multitudinous and Minute’: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass”.

The judges also awarded an Honourable Mention to a second outstanding essay by Josie Gill titled “Science and Fiction in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth

Both Rachel Crossland’s winning essay and Josie Gill’s essay will appear in one of the forthcoming issues of the Journal of Literature and Science.

See the BSLS website – www.bsls.ac.uk – for a citation on both essays.

Most Downloaded

March-April 2013

Most Downloaded Article from recently published issue (5.2):
John Holmes, ‘Literature and Science vs History of Science’

Most Downloaded Articles (all issues):
1. John Holmes, ‘Literature and Science vs History of Science’ (Vol 5, No. 2)
2. Keir Waddington, ‘More Like Cooking Than Science: Narrating the Inside of the British Medical Laboratory, 1880-1914’ (Vol 3, No. 1)
3. Sam George, ‘Epistolary Exchange: The Familiar Letter and the Female Botanist, 1760-1820’ (Vol 4, No. 1)

Most Downloaded Review (all issues):
Martin Willis, Review of Catherine Belling’s ‘A Happy Doctor’s Escape from Narrative: Reflection in Saturday‘ (Vol 5, No. 2)