JLS Six Month Statistics

JLS contributors and readers may like to know the range and reach of the journal throughout 2016. Here, for the first time, are three key statistics from January 1st to June 30th 2016:

Views: 13,396

Downloads of Most Read Articles (collected): 742

Geographic Reach: JLS accessed in 104 countries

Most Downloaded Articles – May to June 2016

1. Maria Avxentevskaya, “The Spiritual Optics of Narrative: John Wilkins’s
popularization of Copernicanism” (JLS 8.2)

2. Charlotte Sleigh, “Writing the scientific self: Samuel Butler and Charles Hoy Fort” (JLS 8.2)

3. Martin Willis, Keir Waddington and Richard Marsden, “Imaginary Investments: Illness Narratives Beyond the Gaze: (JLS 6.1)

Most Downloaded Articles – March to April 2016

1. Maria Avxentevskaya, “The Spiritual Optics of Narrative: John Wilkins’s
popularization of Copernicanism” (JLS 8.2)

2. Rachel Falconer, “Facing the Other through Metaphor: Primo Levi’s The Periodic
Table and other writings” (JLS 8.2)

3. Alex Moffatt, “Swept Over an Etheric Niagara: The Persistence of the Etheric
Hypothesis in Arthur Conan Doyle’s Challenger Stories” (JLS 8.2)

Most Downloaded Articles – January to February 2016

1. Charlotte Sleigh, “Writing the scientific self: Samuel Butler and Charles Hoy Fort” (JLS 8.2)

2. Maria Avxentevskaya, “The Spiritual Optics of Narrative: John Wilkins’s
popularization of Copernicanism” (JLS 8.2)

3=. Rachel Falconer, “Facing the Other through Metaphor: Primo Levi’s The Periodic
Table and other writings” (JLS 8.2)
Alex Moffatt, “Swept Over an Etheric Niagara: The Persistence of the Etheric
Hypothesis in Arthur Conan Doyle’s Challenger Stories” (JLS 8.2)