Most Downloaded Articles – January to February 2018

1. Martin Willis, Keir Waddington & James Castell, “ScienceHumanities: Theory, Politics, Practice.” (JLS 10.2)

2. Charlotte Sleigh, “Contexts of Encounter: How and Where to Criticise Art and Science.” (JLS 10.2)

3. Catherine Belling, “Arts, Sciences, Humanities: Triangulating the Two Cultures.” (JLS 10.2)

Most Downloaded Articles of 2017

1. John Holmes, “Consilience Rebalanced: Edward O. Wilson on Science, the Humanities and the Meaning of Human Existence.” (JLS 10.1)

2. Rachel Murray, “Vermicular Origins: The Creative Evolution of Samuel Beckett’s Worm.” (JLS 9.2)

3. Padma V. McKertich and V. Shilpa, “’It happens quietly’: Plant Poetry and the Botanification of the Imagination” (JLS 9.2)

Many congratulations to John, Rachel, and Padma & V. Shilpa.

JLS Six Month Statistics (2017)

JLS contributors and readers responded enthusiastically to the publication for the first time of key statistics in June 2016. Here are our three key indicators from July 1st to December 31st 2017. (The figures in brackets are those for the previous six month period).

Views: 17,056 (13,161)

Downloads of Most Read Articles – aggregated: 1,368 (678)

Geographic Reach: JLS accessed in 92 (98) countries

Most Downloaded Articles – November to December 2017

1. John Holmes, “Literature and Science vs History of Science” (JLS 5.2)

2. Ralph O’Connor, “The Meanings of ‘Literature’ and the Place of Modern Scientific Nonfiction in Literature and Science.” (JLS 10.1)

3. Jay A. Labinger, “Where are the Scientists in Literature and Science?” (JLS 10.1)

Most Downloaded Articles – September to October 2017

1. John Holmes, “Consilience Rebalanced: Edward O. Wilson on Science, the Humanities and the Meaning of Human Existence.” (JLS 10.1)

2. Kanta Dihal, “On Science Fiction As a Separate Field.” (JLS 10.1)

3. Darren N. Wagner & Joanna Wharton, “Literature and Science in Eighteenth-Century Studies: Mountain Gloom or Mountain Glory?” (JLS 10.1)

Most Downloaded Articles – July to August 2017

1. John Holmes, “Consilience Rebalanced: Edward O. Wilson on Science, the Humanities and the Meaning of Human Existence.” (JLS 10.1)

2. Abigail Droge, “Teaching Literature and Science in Silicon Valley.” (JLS 10.1)

3. Laura Otis, “Thirty Years of Interdisciplinary Research: The Future Promise of SLSA.” (JLS 10.1)

JLS Six Month Statistics (2017)

JLS contributors and readers responded enthusiastically to the publication for the first time of key statistics in June 2016. Here are our three key indicators from January 1st to June 31st 2017. (The figures in brackets are those for the previous six month period).

Views: 13,161 (15,452)

Downloads of Most Read Articles – aggregated: 678 (666)

Geographic Reach: JLS accessed in 98 (98) countries

Most Downloaded Articles – May to June 2017

1. Andrew Lacey, ‘Rethinking the Distribution of Cultural Capital in the “Safety Lamp Controversy”: Davy vs Stephenson in Letters to the Newcastle Press, 1816-17’ (JLS 9.2)

2. Rachel Murray, ‘Vermicular Origins: The Creative Evolution of Samuel Beckett’s Worm’ (JLS 9.2)

3. Kanta Dihal, “On Science Fiction As a Separate Field.” (JLS 10.1)

Most Downloaded Articles – March to April 2017

1. Rachel Murray, ‘Vermicular Origins: The Creative Evolution of Samuel Beckett’s Worm’ (JLS 9.2)

2. Padma V. McKertich and V. Shilpa, ‘
“It happens quietly”: Plant Poetry and the Botanification of the Imagination’ (JLS 9.2)

3. John Holmes
, ‘Algernon Swinburne, Anthropologist’ (JLS 9.1)

Most Downloaded Articles – January to February 2017

1. Padma V. McKertich and V. Shilpa, ‘
“It happens quietly”: Plant Poetry and the Botanification of the Imagination’ (JLS 9.2)

2. Andrew Lacey, ‘Rethinking the Distribution of Cultural Capital in the “Safety Lamp Controversy”: Davy vs Stephenson in Letters to the Newcastle Press, 1816-17’ (JLS 9.2)

3. Minna Vuohelainen, ‘“Cribb’d, Cabined and Confined”: Fear, Claustrophobia and Modernity in Richard Marsh’s Urban Gothic Fiction’(JLS 3.1)