Most Downloaded Articles – May to June 2018

1. Kimberley Dimitriadis, “Telescopes in the Drawing Room: Geometry and Astronomy in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss.” (JLS 11.1)

2. John Holmes, “Literature and Science vs History of Science.” (JLS 5.2)

3=. Catherine Belling, “Arts, Sciences, Humanities: Triangulating the Two Cultures.” (JLS 10.2)
3=. David Clifford, “A Long Anthropological Perspective on the Humanities.” (JLS 10.2)

Most Downloaded Articles – March to April 2018

1. Martin Willis, Keir Waddington & James Castell, “ScienceHumanities: Theory, Politics, Practice.” (JLS 10.2)

2. Catherine Belling, “Arts, Sciences, Humanities: Triangulating the Two Cultures.” (JLS 10.2)

3. Charlotte Sleigh, “Contexts of Encounter: How and Where to Criticise Art and Science.” (JLS 10.2)


JLS Six Month Statistics (2018)

JLS contributors and readers responded enthusiastically to the publication for the first time of key statistics in June 2016. Here are our three key indicators from January 1st to June 30th 2018. (The figures in brackets are those for the previous six month period).

Views: 12,126 (17,056)

Downloads of Most Read Articles – aggregated: 973 (1,368)

JLS 10th Anniversary News – Most Downloaded Article of our first 10 years

With the publication of Volume 11, Issue 2 the JLS celebrates its tenth anniversary issue. Over that time the JLS has published the work of significant scholars of literature and science internationally, both established and early career. The journal has also published nearly a hundred reviews of the most important articles published elsewhere during that time.

As part of the celebrations, we announce here the most downloaded article of our ten year history:

Rachel Crossland, ‘”Multitudinous and Minute”: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass’

Rachel’s article was the inaugural winner of the Journal of Literature and Science and British Society for Literature and Science Essay Prize and was published in Volume 6.2 in 2013.

Many congratulations to Rachel!