Most Downloaded

September – October 2013

Most Downloaded Articles (all issues):
1. Martin Willis, Keir Waddington and Richard Marsden, ‘Imaginary Investments: Illness Narratives Beyond the Gaze’ (Vol 6, No. 1)
2. Hazel Morrison, ‘Conversing with the Psychiatrist: Patient Narratives within Glasgow’s Royal Asylum, 1921-1929’ (Vol 6, No. 1)
3. Justin Sausman, ‘Science, Drugs, and Occultism: Aleister Crowley, Henry Maudsley, and Late Nineteenth-Century Degeneration Theories’ (Vol 1, No. 1)

Most Downloaded Reviews (all issues):
1. Chris Daley, Review of Daniel Cordle’s “Protect/Protest: British Nuclear Fiction of the 1980s” (Vol 6, No 1)
2. Ben Winyard, Review of Kay Young’s “’Wounded by Mystery’: Dickens and Attachment Theory” (Vol 6, No 1)
3. Chris Daley, Review of Jonathan Hogg’s “’The Family that Feared Tomorrow’: British Nuclear Culture and Individual Experience in the late 1950s” (Vol 6, No. 1)