November – December 2013
Most Downloaded Articles (all issues):
1. Josie Gill, ‘Science and Fiction in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth’ (Vol 6, No. 2)
2. Leigh Wilson, ‘”there the facts are”: Andrew Lang, Facts and Fantasy’ (Vol 6, No. 2)
3. Rachel Crossland, ‘”Multitudinous and Minute”: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass’ (Vol 6, No. 2)
Most Downloaded Reviews (all issues):
1. Lisa Coar, Review of Jessica Kuskey’s “Our Mutual Engine: The Economics of Victorian Thermodynamics” (Vol 6, No 2)
2. Josie Gill, Review of Uppinder Mehan’s “Postcolonial Science, Cyberpunk and The Calcutta Chromosome” (Vol 6, No 2)
3. Paola Villa, Review of Tami I. Spector’s “From the Molecular to the Machine” (Vol 6, No. 2)